what we do

We partner with schools to provide customized assessment and training options that maximize school safety.


Assessment and training options

With this three-pronged approach we help schools intelligently and systematically identify potential threats and develop onsite protocols and habits to help eliminate or mitigate them.  


1. Onsite Evaluation & Assessment


Our team will come to your school to provide extensive and exhaustive on-site evaluation that involves terrain analysis, strengths, weaknesses, threats and counters. There is also an examination of site methods for evacuations, shelter-in-place, dealing with violent individuals, and prevention. This extensive assessment requires a day of unfettered access. You will receive a safety and security portfolio with recommendations for your school that includes:

  1. Onsite survey with video and images

  2. Terrain feature survey for evacuation routes

  3. Drone imagery (weather permitting)

  4. Assessment of current procedures

  5. Recommendations to increase security signature


“We may not always rise to our expectations but we fall to the level of our training.”

— Eric Combs


2. Full staff training for key scenarios


Your teachers' primary job is to teach. This option provides specific training on appropriate scenarios that you select. They shouldn't have to worry about everything, but everybody needs to be prepared for some things.

Our team will work with you to identify those key security measures and scenarios on which you want every staff person trained. Some examples may include:

  • Emergency simulations

  • Active shooter protocols and response

  • Bomb threat response

  • Evacuations for both active shooter and fire

  • Shelter-In Place Operations

  • Violent individuals

  • Modified and Full Lock-downs

We can offer a half or full day training for for the entire staff on the most up-to-date best practices in the security world. Teachers are have many different roles, not the least of which is keeping our children safe. We will help you equip them so that everybody can feel confident in a crisis situation while maintaining a healthy, positive learning environment.



3. Intensive security and safety team training


This program targets your individual team to give them intensive training so they can continue to review and assess potential threats and create your own responses to emerging situations onsite. Specific topics covered include:

  1. SASQ Method of Threat Assessment and Evaluation

  2. Development of Rally Points

  3. Best practices for establishing communication protocols in emergencies

  4. Creation of protocols and SOPs for emergency operations

  5. Development of recovery operations after an event

  6. Best practices for establishing relationships with local first responders

We can also customize your program to meet your specific needs.  As we know, each school will have its own set of limitations, potential threats and ability to react to them. 
