Our Commitment

School should be a safe place that students want to be.


It's impossible to teach in fear. It's also impossible to learn in a fearful environment. There are many things we can do to ensure the safety of our schools without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars and turning them into prisons. The first thing we have to do is take stock of what we have and examine potential threats. We have to do this dispassionately, remove the emotion so that our approaches are well-informed rather than planning out of fear. This will save time and money while you create a safe and secure environment where the top priority is student learning.

Instead of blanket statements, learn to develop your own safe approach to evacuating and protecting your students. This starts by becoming aware of your surroundings, developing plans in case of events and then practicing the small skills that keep you sharp and forward thinking.

The protection of your staff and students is entirely up to you. I promise to partner with you to provide a tailored approach per building according to your specific needs. I look forward to serving you and your community.

Your partner in education,


Eric A. Combs, SMSgt, USAF(Ret), M.S.Ed., M.Ed.
2006 Ohio Teacher of the Year
Executive Partner, Center for Teacher Effectiveness